Which bridge is the Scariest Or very Increadible or so Spectacular?

Pemandangan beribu2 kilometer di atas permukaan air laut, dengan berada di jembatan, jadi mengerikan
Dalam catatan saya kali ini, saya akan menulis tentang "Jembatan-jembatan yang mengerikan di dunia yang saya kutip dari terselubung.com dengan sedikir opini saya". Penasaran dengan ini, makanya saya mo nulis lagi di blog ini agar lain kali bisa dibaca lagi, he3x. Yang kubingungkan, kalimat dalam blog tersebut masih kacau, saya jadi bingung. dalam blog tersebut juga disebutkan sumbernya:fenz-capri.blogspot.com, aduh hampir sama bangetz tulisannya tanpa diubah sedikitpun. Tak liat gak ada sumber bahasa inggrisnya. Kan saya lebih suka yang aslinya. Untung-untung untuk belajar bahasa inggris. he3x. Akhirnya setelah googling dapat juga judul original englisnya: World's Scariest Bridges Never stare downstairs Atau The Scariest Bridges From Around the World. Mohon dikoreksi kata2nya jika ada yang salah.
oke,let's go to the point:

1. Jembatan Aiguille du Midi

English: Don’t look down. At this height, you’ll want to keep your eyes locked on the panorama of the craggy French Alps. Fortunately, the bridge itself is short, making for an easy escape if acrophobia sets in. But those truly afraid of heights probably won’t even see the bridge; getting here requires taking a cable car that climbs 9,200 vertical feet in just 20 minutes.
Where: The summit of Aiguille du Midi in the Mont Blanc massif near Chamonix.
Stats: 12,605 feet above sea level.

Indonesia (with addition): COba lihatlah. Pada ketinggian itu, mata Anda pasti akan melotot melihat pemandangan Pegunungan Alpen Prancis yang terjal. Untung sekali, jembatan itu pendek dan bagi siapa yang takut ketinggian (acropobia)sedang berada di situ, maka akan mudah baginya untuk menghindar. Tetapi, orang yang benar memang takut ketinggian mungkin tidak mau melihat jembatan; untuk ke jembatan itu saja memerlukan kereta kabel untuk memanjat 9.200 kaki ke atas dalam waktu 20 menit.
Letak Lokasi: Puncak Aiguille du Midi di deretan pegunungan Mont Blanc dekat Chamonix.
Statistik: 12.605 meter di atas permukaan laut.

2. Royal Gorge Bridge @/ Colorado

America’s highest suspension bridge may be breathtaking for some, but those scared of heights may be left gasping for air as they stare straight down nearly 90 stories at the Arkansas River below. Completed in 1929, the bridge didn’t have stabilizing wind cables until 1982.
The Royal Gorge Bridge in Colorado in the United States holds the record for the tallest suspension bridge in the world with its roadbed towering at 1,053 feet (321 meters) above the ground below. You can walk or drive this bridge, at approximately 1,270 feet long it makes for a breathless journey. Built in 1929 for $350,000 weighing roughly 1500 tons, the cost today would easily exceed $15 million. Taking care of this aged bridge is no small feat either- the walkway alone is made of 1,270 planks of deck; about 250 are replaced annually.
Where: Royal Gorge, Colorado, over the Arkansas River.
Stats: 969 feet above the gorge; 1,260 feet long.

kira-kira artinya (saya rangkum aja):
Jembatan ini meraih rekor tertinggi Amerika sebagai jembatan tertinggi. Mungkin saja beberapa orang akan berdebar-debar di atasnya. Bayangkan saja, kita berada diatas gedung yang mempunyai hampir 90 tingkat. Sama halnya jika kita di jembatan itu, di atas sungai Arkansas yang letaknya jauh di bawah/dasar. Tahu gak, tiang penyangga jembatan itu mempunyai tinggi 321 meter di atas tanah. Seperti mau pingsan rasanya. Jika Anda jalan kaki mungkin menempuh jarak 1,270 kaki. Bisa habis napas ini. Jembatan ini selesai dibangun tahun 1929 dengan biaya $350,000, dan mungkin bisa melebihi $15juta jika sampai sekarang, tetapi sampai tahun 1982 (wah, gue belum lahir)belum stabil kabel jembatannya jika terkena angin. *hati-hati dunk, entar kita terbawa angin. tapi saya mana mungkin kesana, kan jauh, iya kan?
Ohya, untuk perawatan jembatan ini tidaklah gampang lho,dalam jembatan ini ada 1,270 papan jalan, yang secara periodik tiap tahun harus mengganti 250 papan.

Letak Lokasi: Royal Gorge, Colorado,melintas di atas Sungai Arkansas.
Statistik: 969 meter di atas ngarai; 1.260 meter.

3. Trift Suspension Bridge @/ Switzerland

source original:
One of the most beautiful places in the world is home to one of the most spectacular and intimidating bridges ever. The Trift Bridge sits directly above the Trift Glacier at 100 meters high, 170 meters long, and is considered to be one of the longest and highest pedestrian suspension bridges in the Alps. You can hike or take the cable car to get to this impressive bridge which often times looks out to raging frozen waters and spectacular views.

Salah satu tempat memukau di dunia adalah kembali ke rumah melalui jembatan yang paling menakjubkan dan menyeramkan yang pernah ada. The Trift Bridge terletak tepat di atas the Trift Glacier pada ketinggian 100meter, dengan jarak tempuh 170m, dan ditetapkan sebagai jembatan penyeberangan terpanjang dan tertinggi di Alps. Anda dapat jalan kaki atau naik kereta kabel melalui jembatan keren ini tuk melihat munculnya "raging frozen waters" (apa ya arti yang tepat, masak amukan air es?) dan pemandangan lainnya.
Perbaikan jembatan dilakukan pada tahun 2009 menjadikan pegangan tangan jembatan lebih tinggi dan menstabilkan kabel agar tidak berayun terkena angin. Tapi tetap aja memacu adrenalin. lha wong tinggine kayak gitu. Mau kena sindrom siput rasanya.he3x.

Letak Lokasi: Trift Glacier, dekat kota Gadmen di Pegunungan Alpen Swiss.
Statistik: 328 kaki tinggi; 558 meter.

4. Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge @/Northern Ireland
aduh jadi males ngartikan. Biar googel aja yang artikan, mlagi males. he3x. Maklum, lagi belajar juga.

I: First things first: nobody has fallen off this bridge. However, many visitors who walk across simply can’t handle the return and have to go by boat. It used to be even scarier. Erected by fishermen who went to the island to catch salmon, the original bridge had only a single handrail. The rope bridge eventually became popular with tourists seeking a thrill, and the National Trust replaced it with a sturdier structure with two handrails.
II. At just 20 meters long and 30 meters above the rocks near Ballintoy, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, The Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge swings to and fro as people walk across the terrifying rope bridge which links the mainland to the tiny Carrick Island. On a windy day, just hold on tight as this bridge will surely take your breath away and leave you fearful of heights for a lifetime to come.
Where: Near Ballintoy in County Antrim, Northern Ireland.
Stats: 65 feet long; nearly 100 feet above the rocks below.

5.Capilano Suspension Bridge , British Columbia – Canada
Untuk daerah Kanada, Capilano memegang rekor jembatan tertinggi.

I. A true tourist attraction, this long and incredibly high up suspension bridge has me very thankful I don’t have an extreme fear of heights. Noted as Vancouver’s oldest tourist attraction, this bridge stretches 450 feet (137m) across and 230 feet (70m) above the Capilano River. Beautiful views abound here, yet the height is incredibly overwhelming.
II. Originally built in 1889, this simple suspension footbridge surrounded by an evergreen forest is very high, fairly narrow, and extremely shaky—the cedar planks bounce on their steel cables as you walk across them. If the bridge doesn’t scare you, wait until the spring of 2011; the Cliffhanger attraction will allow visitors to climb across a series of suspended walkways attached to a cliff.

Where: North Vancouver, British Columbia, across the Capilano River.
Stats: 450 feet long; 230 feet high.

6. Mackinac Bridge-Michigan

Some drivers get so nervous about crossing this five-mile-long bridge that they don’t even go. And this happens so often that the Mackinac Bridge Authority will drive your car or motorcycle for you (and for free). The biggest fear is the wind, which often exceeds 30 miles per hour on the bridge.(Ketakutan terbesar adalah angin, yang sering melebihi 30 mil per jam di jembatan).
Where: Between Michigan’s Upper and Lower Peninsulas.
Stats: 5 miles long; 199 feet above the water.

7.Puente de Ojuela - Mexico

This bridge leads to a ghost town, but it’s the squeaky wood floor that makes it scary. Fortunately, steel cables suspended from two towers bring a greater feeling of safety. Still, steel is a relatively recent addition: when German engineer Santiago Minhguin built this bridge in the 19th century, those towers were made of wood.(jembatan ini dibangun pada abad ke-19, menara terbuat dari kayu.)

Where: The ghost town of Ojuela, an old mining settlement in the northern state of Durango, Mexico.
Stats: 1,043 feet long; 2 feet wide; 360 feet above a gorge.

8. Chesapeake Bay Bridge - Maryland

Drivers are notoriously afraid of this bridge, as it’s subjected to frequent—and often violent—storms. And when the bad weather hits, forget about visibility: get to the middle of this five-mile-long bridge and you can barely see land.

Where: Spanning the Chesapeake Bay to connect Maryland’s eastern and western shores.
Stats: Nearly 5 miles long; 186 feet high at its highest point.

9. Monkey Bridges - Vietnam (jembatan Ketek)

It may seem that only monkeys could make it across traditional monkey bridges—after all, they’re typically made of a single bamboo log and one handrail (terbuat dari bambu tunggal dan satu pegangan). However, the name comes from the stooped monkey-like posture you have to maintain when crossing, so as not to plunge into the river below.
Where: Various points across the Mekong Delta at the southern tip of Vietnam.
Stats: These bridges are built by hand by local residents and vary from town to town. Newer ones are made of concrete.

10. Hussaini Hanging Bridge or Hussaini – Borit Lake @t Pakistan

I.Perhaps the most dangerous of all the bridges in the world is the Hussaini- Borit Lake Bridge. There is absolutely no way this is safe but is actually used on a regular basis by those attempting to travel to the larger cities in northern Pakistan. The bridge (if you can even call it that) is very old, missing planks, extremely narrow, and high above the lake. If you are searching for extreme thrills then this bridge might be a delight for you, however for the majority of visitors and locals alike the bridge is truly death-defying and fearful. It is not known exactly how many people may have become a casualty while crossing this treacherous structure, but more than enough so take heed.

II. Massive gaps between the planks, a wild side-to-side swing: there are reasons this is considered one of the world’s most harrowing suspension bridges. While rickety cable and wood bridges are common in this area, crossing this bridge over the rapidly flowing Hunza River is particularly frightening, as the tattered remains of the previous bridge hang by threads next to the one currently in use.

Where: In the village of Hussaini in Northern Pakistan, crossing the Hunza River.
Stats: Floodwaters reportedly submerged the bridge in May 2010. However, due to its draw as a popular adventure-travel activity, the bridge is likely to be rebuilt.

11. Millau Bridge, France

One of the world’s tallest vehicular bridges elevated 1,125-ft above the Tarn Valley in southern France is the Millau Bridge. Driving over this bridge has got to be one most thrilling experiences of a lifetime and not a ride for those afraid of heights or bridges! Just somewhat taller than the Eiffel Tower, The Millau Bridge has a total length of 8,071-ft and extends 885.8 feet (270 meters) above the river below. Recently built and opened to the public in 2004 this bridge provides unimaginative views that pictures alone just can’t capture.

12.Loboc Hanging Bridge, Philippines

Anything that moves while you walk on it is daunting in my books, therefore this hanging bridge in the Philippines swings onto the list. At only about 20 meters high, it is built with steel cables and woven strips of bamboo. The bridge itself was built with long steel cables, so it is not as untrustworthy as many of the others, but it does give way to a bit of a bounce as you traverse over it making for a fearful crossing. Built in 1972, the bridge is still sturdy and more of a tourist attraction these days than a necessity; it brings the locals and visitors just over the lake.

13.Taman Negara National Park Bridge, Malaysia

Claimed to be the world’s longest canopy walkway, the Tama Negara National Park Bridge is a terrifyingly unstable hanging rope bridge that measures approximately 500 meters long. Created out mere netting, ropes, planks, and a few ladders, it consists of a long and winding pathway of rope bridges that connect via trees. Sitting at 50 meters above the ground it is plenty high up to scare those with a fear of heights and it shakes something fierce as people walk from post to post taking photos of the views. A must see and an exciting tourist attraction for the likes of those looking for some serious thrills.

14. Hanging Bridge of Ghana, Nepal

Created out of necessity and in hopes of eliminating the congestion in town due to herds of animals constantly being walked up and down the narrow roads, the villagers in Nepal developed the Hanging Bridge of Ghasa, a very long and daunting suspension bridge, to help curb the traffic. This bridge is used by the locals and the animals on a daily basis so perhaps they are used to its unsteady and dilapidated state, I however just get chills looking at it. The height is unknown but judging from the photographs it is high enough to seriously injure or kill an unlucky creature should they fall.

16. Arenal Hanging Bridges, Costa Rica

Should you ever find yourself trekking through the Costa Rican rainforest, there is a good chance you may come across the Arenal Hanging Bridges. There are a total of 6 suspension bridges, each with its own scare factor; the largest one at about 100 meters long and 45 meters off the ground. The bridges and hike makes for a gripping and shaky adventure if you are up to the challenge.

17. Canopy Walk in Kakum Nat’l Park, Ghana

The Kakum National Park offers a long sequence of hanging bridges throughout the forests covering known as the Canopy Walk. There are over 7 bridges that expand to a length of over 330 meters or 1,080 ft long and 40 meters or 130 feet high. The Canopy is made out of netting and wires and maintains safety inspection, however with the large number of visitors and incredible heights it just screams out scary to me. It does, however offer an incredible view of the forest if you can handle the heights and daring nature of walking high up in the trees.

18. Musou Tsuribashi bridge, Japan

Built sometime in the 50’s and obviously not well kept, this old suspension bridge in the Southern Japanese Alps known as Musou Tsuribashi, is distinguished as Japan’s scariest bridge and for a good reason. It is an extremely high and narrow bridge created with old wood, some rope and swings more than a monkey on a tire. With the winds blowing it from side to side this is surely enough of a freak out factor to make anyone turn back and take the long route. Fortunately this bridge is pretty much in the middle of nowhere so your chances of crosses its path are slim, but if in the unlikely chance you do happen upon it.. avoid it!

Nah, itulah ke-18 nama jembatan yang tercatat paling unik dan aneh-aneh dalam pembuatannya, ada jembatan monyet segala, wkwkwk.LOL.

Sumber: terselubung.blogspot.com

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